domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020



This working week starts on Tuesday 😉   and a new month is here: May.

We keep on confined, but doing sports outdoors is a great relief 👍.

I want to thank you for keeping in contact and for doing and sending your work everyday. It's great any time I get one of your mails with the activities, but the best is what you write in the mails. I appreciate very much you opinions, comments and suggestions. Please, keep on writing long emails: it's good for your English and for my self-steem ☺!!!!

Oh, I've just remembered that the very best is your audios. It's great to hear your voices, to know that you are there and enjoying your efforts to get a good pronunciation.


Well, let's see what we are going to do today and tomorrow: 
First and second conditional require some study on your part. It's important that you revise my explanation in the last post and the grammar appendix on page 171

 So, I insist: STUDY THE GRAMMAR and learn some model sentences. That will help you a lot.
You can also watch the video of AMIGOS INGLESES  which is on the right of this post. They tell us about the ZERO CONDITIONAL AND THE THIRD CONDITIONAL. As we haven't studied them, please focus only on FIRST AND SECOND CONDITIONAL. The video is really good and will help you a lot.

And watch the the two videos. They are explained in Spanish and will also help you understand.⇉⇉⇉⇉⇉⇉

Have you already studied? Ok, then let's revise all THE FUTURE and THE CONDITIONALS with these exercises:

PAGE 157 EX 1- 2- 3- 4
PAGE 158 EX 5 - 6 - 7

It's not a lot of work for two days. That's because you have to revise the grammar first and then do the activities slowly, understanding every sentence and finding the right answer. Let's avoid mistakes.


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